Monday, April 21, 2008

Picturing The Other Assignment

In this assignment we had to go up to someone we didn't know and take their picture.

In this picture, I cropped out the other two girls than made the background darker, but her lighter.

In this picture, I cropped out the girl on the right but did the reverse. Made the girls darker but the background darker.

In this picture we have all the girls and just messed around with changing the color and the light. I put particular attention to table which has a more green hue than in the original.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Alphabet Soup Pictures

These are pictures of stuff in nature that look like letters.

Scratch Assignments!

These are the Scratch Assignments I did for DMF 201! This was an assignment just to get the basics of Photoshop. We just supposed to create different random shapes. They were meant to be abstract, but as you can see the other one is a little more literal.

First Post

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